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The internet is very versatile in terms of utility. One of the major reasons the internet is so popular among the youth is that the Internet offers so much more freedom than the real world. While corporations and governments are working towards fixing that issue to better protect us, the situation remains that anyone can do anything on the internet and more often than not, get away with it.
Such liberty opens up our innocent children to the unregulated, harsh culture of cyberbullying that might hurt them emotionally, mentally or even physically. This course is to aid them in learning about cyberbullying, and teaches ways to stand up to cyberbullies and avoid them!
Course Purpose: All of us know about kidnapping and the dangers associated with it but not many of us know what Digital Kidnapping is. This is a comparatively new phenomenon targeting young children digitally. Sadly, it is often the result of careless online practices by the parents. This course is designed to create awareness around the phenomenon of Digital Kidnapping, the dangers it can cause to children and the measures we can take to protect our children from it.
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